Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ready and Wait

Homecoming is coming upon us with in the week to say the least. I've been driving myself crazy this past week knowing he's so close and not able to come back yet. I've got my homecoming outfit ready, and I have found time to clean my house and help out a family move into their new one. I even bought Johnny a new car. 2005 Mazda 3! It's not exactly ours pending. I'll show off his car once I know it's ours!

I should try and figure out how to get my car clean...actually I should just do it myself but i don't want to. hehe.

oh yes I almost forgot to write about getting my new job! I now am a permanent employee for Early Intervention. Not sub, not temporary. I'm too excited! It's right where I want to be.

Another birthday has passed me by this month too! I went shopping for a homecoming outfit for my birthday. I'm waiting to do more with my lovely husband when he gets home.

I'm hoping to take some homecoming pictures so hopefully I can share!

1 comment:

{Shields Family} said...

Oh I'm SO happy for you that Johnny is coming home soon! And congrats on the job! That's awesome! :) Wish we could be there to see you guys. Still don't know what's going on with our travel plans yet, but hopefully we'll be back for Christmas!