Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Robert's Kindergarten Graduation

Here's a few pictures of Robert's (Moose's) graduation. I was in the back of the room and still getting used to my camera. These are the two I liked the best. Here he is getting his diploma and telling the teacher that when he grows up he wants to be a babysitter.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Family Get-Together

We were getting together for Johnny's Cousin, Crystal, for her baby shower. I only ended up taking pictures of people and not the gifts or cake or baby stuff for that matter. So here are a few pictures. I cropped the pictures saved them then added them but they ended up back to there original state. I one day will figure this out. :)

Johnny's Aunt Janet and Cousin Chaylene

Johnny's niece Aspyn with her birthday stuff

Johnny's Cousin Crystal...her baby shower!

Johnny's Niece Katelyn taking Mollie for a walk!

I was suppose to go to a birthday too. But I'm exhausted from the baby shower. So happy birthday Faith who is turning 7 this month.

Memorial Day Pics

Mollie and I went to hang out with Johnny's family. Not really doing anything interesting. Just hanging out front. Here's some pictures of the littlest niece and Mollie and a 3 month old puppy.

There was alot of running around. With alot of dogs hanging out. By the end they were all ready to relax and thought they'd join the baby on the blanket for a quick nap.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I hate them. We haven't had too many since I've been up here. But today is the second day in a row that we have had them. Hopefully they are leaving. Not sure if they are suppose to come back tomorrow or not. I have an outside baby shower to go to on Saturday so they have to be gone by then. Because I said so. Mollie isn't too bothered by them which is good because if she started freaking out my anxiety may have been worse.

So I've gotten the car serviced. The whole house is clean. (Well with the exception of the office, but I plan on cleaning that room before I leave) Mollie's appointment for the vet is next Wednesday so I'll be off early Thursday. I got all the travel situations figured out for Georgia and my sister is going to care for Mollie. I have to go to Bestbuy to pick up a few last things. And I'm ready to start packing. I talked to a friend who is in California visiting too and we are going to try and meet up too. I'm excited about this next month and hopefully everything goes nice and smoothly..traveling wise.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Planning a Trip

I'm done with work for the school year which means it's time to get to California. First I need to get the car serviced, which sucks because they took out a Nissan dealership and now have to drive 30 minutes instead of 15. Not to thrilled. Then I need to take the dog to the vet to get a travel certificate.

So planning on staying for like 5 weeks but one week in Arizona and one week in Georgia. Yup I said Georgia. It's official. Johnny is able to have maybe 3 days of free time before he takes off for Kuwait. Not sure on how many days he gets...it depends on if he needs more training or not. Hopefully not. I can't wait for a getaway. I was hoping to travel down to Florida to see my Grandpa but Johnny says they will most likely put a travel hold on them. Boohoo...I don't like when I don't get my way.

I'm off...have lots to do...