Sunday, September 28, 2008

Been Busy

I am glad to announce that I haven't had time to get on the Internet a lot. There for I haven't had time to blog. Yes work is starting to come in for me. Yesterday I had to do First Aid and CPR training. I hate all day trainings that you have to take care of on the weekends. I want my weekends for myself not to take care of things for work. Oh well.

Cancun happens in about a month. Everyone is getting excited. I forgot to tie up some loose ends like how to get to the airport and wondering when it is too soon to start packing. I'm ready to pack this week. But with four more weeks to go I think I should wait.

I am a little concerned about Mollie and Daisy although I shouldn't be. I know Mollie won't cause as much trouble as she has with me for someone else. I debated on checking out a kennel boarding place but have thought against it. I'd rather a friend take care of my dogs than them being someplace they don't know. I just hope Mollie doesn't start attacking Daisy at someone else's house.

That's it for now. I can't think of anything else I needed to let everyone know. I'm just excited about working and having a trip to look forward too.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dog Training

Daisy has started dog training. She did very well last night. Although I was suppose to get her to sit when we stop walking and she would just look at me. So we have to work on that. Our friend that is going to Cancun with us brought her pit bull Chance too. So Daisy and Chance tried playing when we would get them close to each other. They suggest that it's a good distraction and I thought it was a nuisance. The dogs had one thing on there mind and the owners had something else on their's. We will work together in the end though. I'm sure of it.

Mollie has started showing Daisy some dominance. I'm starting to wonder if another female in the mix was the right thing to do. Although Daisy was rescued and I couldn't really decide if she was going to be male or female. So now Johnny and I are faced with letting Mollie know we are leader and she is not.

It started a few weeks ago with little food aggression here and there. It got really bad when I decided to but yogurt in there food to try to get the farts less stinky. At that point I thought about getting their own food bowls. It might be the right choice to make now. Yesterday I got home and let the girls out of their kennels, Mollie came over to love on me. after about a minute Daisy came over to get some love and Mollie attacked her. I tried grabbing Daisy from Mollie but Mollie continued to attack. Then I grab Mollie to stop but Daisy kept attacking. I got Mollie into her kennel and Daisy ran into hers. I kept them there for about 20 minutes. I didn't really know it would be this bad.

Needless to say, We have some work to do about who is boss. Mollie is certainly not and now I have to work with her to get her to understand that.

On to a lighter and happier note: I go in tomorrow and fill out my paper work to start working for Early Interventions. She even suggested that I may be in a classroom tomorrow too. I'm so excited and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Got the Job!

So I went in today for the Early Interventions job and I hands down got the job. There were two ladies interviewing me and one looked at the other and asked, "Where did you find her?" They were so excited that I had the experience that I have working with special needs children. So Monday I will go and fill out my w-4 form and start subbing.

It's just a subbing position but they said that it's possible to work a full week with them. Although it's Monday through Thursday. Not many classes on Friday. That's fine. I'm still trying to sub at the college preschool. Not working out the way I thought it would but I get a few hours here and there.

I'm so excited I've been on cloud-9 all day. I just want to get in the classroom already and learn more through the children on how they learn and go about there day. Hopefully I'll get some direction on how to get my Bachelor's degree too. I can't wait.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Job Interview

I have a job interview on Friday. It's a sub position but I'm really excited about it because its the direction I was hoping for. It's with Early Interventions and I was hoping I would be able to get my foot in the door to something more. With wanting to become a speech therapist it will help me figure out how to accomplish this.

Early Interventions helps preschool age children with their development through life. Speech therapy is a main issue. I'm hoping to get underneath the wing of someone that has been in my shoes and can help me with which direction I need to go through for schooling.

I am hoping for the best and I can't wait for my job interview. On a side note: I found out that I can use Johnny's GI Bill. Something about the rules changing or something. Johnny wants me to talk to a VA representive from Linn Benton college. I'm so glad that things have turned around from last week.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Camping Again

This time when we went camping it was at our usual spot. But we still did forget a thing or too. Like towels to take a shower and water or soda. We only took water for the dogs and alcohol. You know what we had our minds on.

The dogs did fine. Although Mollie is still taking cold medicine she did fine. I don't think she likes tromping in the dirt. Or maybe she was sick and uncomfortable. We love to camp so she better like it. Daisy lovved the dirt. She would be fine if we didn't wash her but I have some serious thoughts on that one. Johnny thought the dogs got in the way because of the yard leashes we brought and the fact that we had to tie them to the table. But if we had a two room tent, one for the dogs and one for us maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Camping is an experience and you learn what to bring the more you go. With dogs now coming with us we have to think of things for them too. It was rather interesting and I'm sure I'll think of a few things for next year with the dogs. I don't want to leave them at home.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wanting a Job

This stinks! I had thought that I would have had a job by now but have had now luck. I don't understand the school district here and why they don't give me a call. I have applied for almost every single job possible with no luck.

It does surprise me because the lady I babysit for was talking to her bosses about me and they said they could use me. But guess what...the job never posted. I am at a loss. Then Johnny's boss said they had a job for me and I'd be getting a call. So far no call. I am still a little hopeful for a job I applied to. The deadline for apps was the 9th so maybe a call today. I really want a phone call.

Sitting at home all day is a drag with nothing to do. I would probably be able to find something to do if I had the money to do it too. With no work there isn't extra money that would be able to not worry about it but it has been too long. I have a temporary job at the moment but they don't really call me either.

Sorry I'm going a little crazy and I'm about ready to start applying for fast food restaurants and department stores. Oh Well

Monday, September 8, 2008

Medicine for Mollie

So Johnny persisted and said I should call the vet for Mollie. I asked if I could get the same medicine they gave Daisy and they were really helpful in saying yes. So hopefully she'll get better now. The vet stresses the importance of not letting the dogs do any active play. It's just as bad as telling a two year old they can't play. It doesn't always work out.

I took them for a walk to the post office this morning thinking that it wouldn't be a big deal and then Johnny comes home and tells me all this. Oops! Hopefully it won't hurt the dogs too much. And active play hopefully doesn't mean don't take them camping cuz they're going. I'm not going to ask someone else to watch them just because they have a cold. They can tough it out right?

Johnny's dad, Jim, sent us a box of Johnny's old school work from elementary school. It was interesting to look through. Although we are going to throw it all away. I can't believe he kept all of his work. I couldn't imagine. Of course though he must have gotten the hint because I didn't see any other kids work. Hehe.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dogs are doing better

So after a weekend of vet visits and a couple of days worth of medicine they seem to be doing better. Daisy is still on her medicine and looks a whole lot better. Molly seems to have a cough at the moment but I'm hoping it goes away. Maybe something to do with allergies.

We are going camping again this next weekend that I'm looking forward to. Hopefully someone calls about the jobs that I have applied for. I really need something permanent. I also need to find a counselor at Linn Benton that could help me with what classes to take to try to get to University of Oregon. I just need to think of a way to pay for this :)

Daisy is going to start obedience classes on the 15th. I'm looking forward to the training. She has some bad habits that I need to get rid of. Like getting on the counter tops and taking food. Not good at all. Johnny wants to take Mollie along for a refresher course. We'll see if he can keep it up for the 8 weeks of training that we do. If not it's just Daisy and I.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Daisy's Vet Visit

I know Mollie just went but Daisy didn't want to be left out. When Mollie got back from the vet Daisy was coughing. Wasn't to bad so I wasn't really worried about it. But on Monday morning she started sneezing green mucus. Of course it was a holiday so I couldn't take her in to the regular vet right away.

This morning it was really bad so I called in and they were able to see her. She had a respiratory infection. I came home with a cough suppressant and an antibiotic for her. So both of the dogs have their very own medicine.

I just hope that this doesn't happen every time. One dog at a time is fine. I thought it was funny that I took one in on a Friday then the other one in the next Tuesday. My oh My. It's just as if I had two children to take care of.


We went to Detroit Lake for the night on Sunday. We went with Johnny's co-worker and all her friends. They got a group campsite that had plenty of room for all of us. It rained most of the time we were there but it was kind of nice too. Sitting by the fire pit and getting rained on.

Mollie and Daisy enjoyed getting dirty too. We let Mollie stay off leash and she actually did really good. We haven't let her off leash since we got Daisy but was really impressed with her listening skills. Daisy stayed tethered to a tree. I don't feel comfortable with her staying with the pack. She does what she wants and doesn't really care what the other dogs are doing.

We all slept in the Xterra. Had to try it sometime. Daisy slept in the driver seat of the car. (The emergency brake was pushed in so we wouldn't roll anywhere). Molly slept in between and inside the sleeping bags with Johnny and I. Johnny's back isn't too good at the moment and happened to bother him while he was trying to sleep. I slept like a baby!

I enjoyed my time and it was very relaxing. Now we just need to find the time to go camping more often :)